just one question about vector displacement map node mapping problem,
i don’t know is this have to be like this or it it has some connection with
space mapping…
when i render vector displacement map normally without rotating it with
mapping node it looks good, but when i want to rotate it lets say 90 degree around “Z” with mapping node it becomes distorted…?
Your vector displacement texture is encoded in object space, so even if you rotate the UV map, the vectors in the texture will still get their reference axis from the object space and not from the UV tangent space. Normally, the displacement texture should not be tweaked like this, and it shoud fit the mesh as a glove.
Also, the Mapping node is a bit too much for this kind of task…
Anyway, if what you’re trying to achieve is just to rotate the ‘wave’ in the Z axis, you have two options…
You can either rotate the whole object (the best option, which rotates the object space).
Or you can use the Vector Rotation node to counter-rotate the vectors, as seen below (it works in simple examples as yours, but is prone to fail in more complex situations).