Vegan Shark Fruit Fair

Final project of module 3 developed in the course “Professional Training in 3D with Blender”, at Escola Revolution. With the theme: Fruit fair.

All models were made by subdivision modeling. Most textures made procedurally (except the shark, leaflet and papaya).
Area, Sun and Point type lights.
Render in Cycles.

I changed some things in the Blender 4.0 version, using AgX:


Blender 3.6 using Filmic:

Feirinha do tubarão vegano_FInal_003

Feirinha do tubarão vegano_FInal_005

FTV_Final_Prancheta 1 cópia 3
FTV_Final_Prancheta 1 cópia 4
FTV_Final_Prancheta 1 cópia 5
FTV_Final_Prancheta 1 cópia 6


The “false teeth” kill me. Love it!


He’s a real rogue hahah.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you very much, Bart! :slight_smile:

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Wow! So beautiful work! Very beautiful colours :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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I’m glad you liked the colors! :smile:

Thank you very much! I’m glad you liked it. And welcome to the community! :slight_smile: