
Hi everyone,
This is my last project, modeling with blender and just blender :slight_smile:
Inspired by “Akira Toryama”.
I opted for a UV cut of each part and worked separately on each piece. I used three lights to bring out all the contours without burning the textures. Modeling was redone several times to obtain the roundest, sharpest curves. I concentrated on every detail to make the rendering as realistic as possible. Some textures came from blenderkit and were modified, others were procedural textures.
This project was a lot of fun, and I hope you’ll enjoy it.


It looks fantastic. Wonderful model and materials. Question: is it a submarine or an airplane?


Hi, Thank you ! It’s just a little wet, it’s just been cleaned, but it’s an airplane :yum:

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Oh I see. Yes, there is a bucket there. :grin:

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But maybe I’ll think about it for next time and plan a possible transformation a bit like amphibious cars, good idea :wink:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you so much :grin::pray:

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