I decided to try my hand at modeling a velociraptor this time around. I still need to work getting an eye and the teeth yet. Almost ready to sculpt so I will look at some tutorial for that.
CC are always welcome.
I decided to try my hand at modeling a velociraptor this time around. I still need to work getting an eye and the teeth yet. Almost ready to sculpt so I will look at some tutorial for that.
CC are always welcome.
Looks really good. Show some wires.
This is good, and will deform well etc… The loops around the front shoulder might be a little dense. There is an area which is the main neck that you should probably add a loop cut or two to. The reason being that the quads are very large and elongated and when you start sculpting it will be difficult to get the proper sculpting density. I am not positive on velociraptops but the back feet seem close together from the front view. I feel like they should be farther apart for a widen stance, but I’m not sure. The toe looks odd, but it is fact correct. Nice job. Sculpting will be fun.
Photox thanks for the input. I put the back legs further apart and I smoothed the shoulder more.
I am working on the teeth now. Need to add the top teeth and the tongue and the flap at the corner of mouth
CC are always welcome
The teeth came out good I think Spanishrose. That scaly skin should be fun to work with in sculpting.
Thanks harleynut. I am looking forward to sculpting. Have a couple of questions thought?
I have already applied the mirror modifyer but not the sub surf.
Am I ready for the sculpting yet.
First Test Render not sure about the eye and I will need to work on the reflections of the eye showing to much.
Also need to work on lighting.
Some wires
Close up of eye
Let’s see some scales sculpting!
@Photox Thanks for the tip.
I have started to sculpt him. I wanted to hide part of the mesh while working on the back legs since the front ones were in the way. Which I did then went to sculpt mode and started to sculpt. Well when I went into object mode all the sculpt left wasn’t there.
How can I fix that.
Sculpt render test
Here is another view Why does this show up better than the colored one.
Here it is in object mode
Thanks for the help and for the critiques
In the multires modiifer, change preview to 3 (or whatever highest level you want) Great start!
But what about the scales!?
It is best to work up from lower levels, so large muscle groups on level 2 first, then smaller muscles groups andlarge veins on 3, and scales and tiny stuff on 4.
And mix in some gloss for his (or her) skin, and some SSS while your at it. A simple but effective skin might be 50/50 diffuse and sss. Then mix that with gloss at a factor of mayve .02 - .15 at a roughness of (who knows) .05 - .2
You’ll eventually need to unwrap him and get some kind of a skin texture going. It’s commong to use a lizard skin photograph or similar as a base texture, you can also bake displacement and use that as a mask, so the crevices are darker.
Just need some feathers now
In the multires modiifer, change preview to 3 (or whatever highest level you want) Great start!
Thank you, this is on level 3 and the scales will be coming soon. I want to do more with muscles, wrinkles first.
Did you miss the quesiton:
I wanted to hide part of the mesh while working on the back legs since the front ones were in the way. Which I did then went to sculpt mode and started to sculpt. Well when I went into object mode all the sculpt left wasn’t there.
How can I fix this?
I will be giving him glossines on the skin. Hopefully that will bring out the sculpting.
I’m not sure I understand. You have preview on level 0, so when you are in object mode, you will never see any sculpting. Preview needs to be on 3.???
Geez, boy easy to fix. thanks
OK here is the test render with SSS but I don’t think this is correct
I have not ever used SSS before as I was working on this. How can I fix this?
Here is the node setup
It’s a bit early to be worrying about SSS. Work on the overall textures first. Reptilian skin probably doesn’t even need SSS.
I’m looking forward to the finished result. I always like a good dino model.
Steve S
Steve S thank you for your input. However, it was fun playing around with it. I will see about working out something with the material so he/she will look better with the next render.
Yea, I agree with Steve, concentrate on the sculpting first and maybe use matcaps or something similar. That’s what will ultimately bring out what your hoping to see once the materials are added.
Something isn’t right. Show just a screenshot of the sculpt, not a render.