Ver 4.3 scaling picks up Intersecting objects

Hi All,
I’ve been using blender since around V2.8.
I’ve gone through V3s and V4.0 and am now using V4.3.2.

The problem I have is that V4.3 seems to pick up objects that it touches and scales those as well.

I have this object selected for scaling.

When I move the cursor the touching (non selected) object also scale.

If I select the object and use the Y transform, it behaves as expected.

I can’t see what I might have changed to affect this and the older versions did not do this.

If I move the object so that it does not intersect another object, it also behaves correctly.

I can see posts of people trying to scale multipe objects but not anyone having the problem of scaling more than one object.

Does anyone know what I might have done to invoke this behaviour please?


Its a bug while in object mode in the “Proportional Editing” that occurs sometimes under specific conditions. For me it seems in object mode the tool is selecting with a bounding box depending on the selection circle.
Cant find a bug report for that.

Thanks Rigoletto.
Guess I’ll just wait for the fix.

If you can repeat the issue, then report the bug. It might be related to the new overlay code.

Item reported.

Hi All , an attentive contributor has identified the problem in that I had proportional editing turned on.

My bad and thanks for viewing.