Vertex Colors

Hi everyone!
I have a way to generate .ply files of 3D models, with color attributes added to each vertex. I am importing these to blender, and the attribute node makes these colors visible in my material.
I have been trying for a while now to have the alpha channel define transparency for some of these nodes, but it seems like cycles does not support an alpha channel?
My plan B has been to color all the vertexes I want transparency for - in one color (for example black), and then make all the black vertexes transparent. Does anyone know how to do this?


Just use the attribute node as an input factor in a mix shader node, of which the two shaders are a transparency shader and the diffuse/glossy that you need.


I want the grey areas to be transparent. I have tried your suggestion in many different versions, but the wanted areas don’t seem to render transparently.


Are you sure you export RGBA in your .ply exporter?

And here is Blender’s file excerpt:

if colindices:
                for i, f in enumerate(
                    # XXX, colors dont come in right, needs further investigation.
                    ply_col = mesh_colors[i]
                    if len(ply_col) == 4:
                        f_col = f.color1, f.color2, f.color3, f.color4
                        f_col = f.color1, f.color2, f.color3

                    for j, col in enumerate(f_col):
                        col.r, col.g, col.b = ply_col[j]

which, besides the comment, assumes that there could be f.color4 (alpha?) but then settles on RGB only as i get it.

Where you would get RGB information if you had used vertex colors from .ply as a mask (b/w)?

                    ply_col = mesh_colors[i]
                    if len(ply_col) == 4:
                        f_col = f.color1, f.color2, f.color3, f.color4
                        f_col = f.color1, f.color2, f.color3

                    for j, col in enumerate(f_col):
                        col.r, col.g, col.b = ply_col[j]

This is misleading and looks buggy. If you look farther up in the script you’ll see that only 3 values (R, G, B) are ever read in to the mesh_colors list from the input ply file. The alpha value is ignored, and from my understanding Blender’s vertex colors can’t even store alpha values.

I recently had to do exactly what the OP described as plan B. I had colored verts with alpha = 1 and other verts with alpha = 0 that I wanted to hide. I colored all of the alpha = 0 verts black, which in my case didn’t conflict with the colors of the alpha=1 verts. In Blender I then thresholded the black verts and used them to set the material alpha. I guess it would be possible to do something similar if you wanted partial transparency but things could get complicated quickly. Below is the setup for the BI material I used. You should be able to do something similar for Cycles.

Here is Cycles sample file - transparency based on Green vertex color. Hope you can adapt to your needs.

That’s the way:
