Vertex group problem?

I am creating a mesh and using my vertex groups for the armature. Ive NEVER had this problem before so I was wondering if it was a bug or if I am just missing something. As I am playing around with movement it seems like the verts are leaving the vertex group. It appears to be random. Certain points just leave their vertex groups for no apparent reason and they just go back to the original mesh place. Usually just the switch from edit mode to regular mode causes it. Anyone else?

dunno if I really understand what your saying but I’ve been fooling around with vertex groups and armature modifiers lately and if they don’t all have weight set to 1 they indeed don’t come allong but they do stay in the vertex group. Wich makes vertex painting useless cuzz you can’t fine tune or they stay behind.
Or at least that’s whats occuring with me.


if this is happens all the time… it sounds like a bug… report it to the bugtraker or something?

Which method are you using for vetexg grouping? vertex mode or the maunal way or both?
-If you dont mind sharing the file I think ive had this problem before

This has happened to me as well. The way I solved it was to weight paint the mesh, then assign vertex groups as well.

Yeah weight paint’s awesome. I tried going from weight paint to vertext groups and blender started crashing on me. So I went back to weight paint. Honestly, looking at how my vertex assignments were deforming, I perfer weight paint to that method today.