Just curious…
Which one is better to use when rigging a character:
Vertex Groups or Envelope.
More control with Vertex Groups, but they take a little longer to set up.
If you want to be a control freak VGs . Best option if you understand what vertex weighting/weight painting is all about … especially if you want to optimize for a low poly count .
If you can live with approximate control and/or like visually editing envelopes - envelopes .
If you want fast with good/decent results the new Bone Heat skinning .
And with all three always turn on the Quaternion deform space option .
VGs aren’t just for control freaks. With the new Heat Weighting, it’s very easy to get good VG deformation. It’s takes so little time to try the default that it’s worth it:
- In object mode on your mesh, add an Armature modifier, pointing to the armature. Turn off Envelopes and turn on Quaternion.
- In pose mode on your armature, select all bones.
- Still in pose mode, Shift-select your mesh.
- Press Ctrl-Tab to enter weight mode on the mesh.
- Press the W key and choose “Apply Bone Heat Weights…”
Now test it out!
The first few times you do this, it seems like a lot, but after you get used to it, you can do it in like, five seconds.
If you wanna if a character use vertex groups for controlling the Cage of the MeshDeform Modifier. Don´t even think of rigging a character the old fashion way!! Use MeshDeform!!
This page explains what Mesh Deform is, you can also download the sample file at the end of it.
@ Harkeyman : VGs the way I assign them (manually in Edit Mode) is control freaky :D… and technically all methods use VGs in the end … it’s the method you use to assign them that is the issue …
Actually, envelopes can be used completely without vertex groups. Technically, they don’t use VGs. You can create groups from envelopes, but you can just ride with the pure envelopes if your needs are simple.
Okay…lots of good info. Thanks bunches!
This is what I did: I took harkyman’s instructions and followed them to the letter. Ho-o-o-o-oly Craaaaaap! What a huge, huge, huge difference that made. I like it! Thanks for the instructions by the way…greatly appreciated harkyman!
Right now I’m in the process off redoing my rig, then I will apply the Heat Weighting.
Question: I’m assuming that I can go back and do some weight painting for tweaking purposes. (sorry…noob animator!)
also…I noticed that I didn’t have to create VG’s. the heat weighting did it for me. cool
I did check out the MesDeform modifer link you provided jpbouza. i also downloaded the file and will check inot after i’m done playing with heat weighting.
EDIT: after playing with both envelopes and vg’s, I can see where both types have their proper places. For my complex character rig, I will be going with VG’s.