When I color an object with Vertex painting,
then I go back to “Object mode”, the colors aren’t there in “Solid” view, but are only there in “texture” view. And, more importantly, the colors aren’t there when the object is rendered.
When I color faces of an object by assigning the faces materials (where the materials have colors) then the colors show up in object mode, solid view, but not solid mode texture view. And, the colors disappear when I go into vertex paint mode.
Any idea why the colors put on in vertex painting down show up in texture view, or in a render?
Any view when I can see both, colors put on by “assigning” materials to faces and colors put on my vertex painting at the same time?
Are you using cycles or blender internal? If you use cycles, connect a attribut node (Input-attribut) to a RGB-curves, and then pull that RGB curve node to the diffuse node, and you can see the vertexpaint. Remember to set the name on the attribut node to the name of your vertex paint group. Default is Col.
For the second part of your question, how you can see the vertex paint without using the textured/rendered view, i dont think that’s possible. You can only set the viewport objectcolor to a single color, to see what uses what texture. But not link that to the vertexpaint.
Just realised you actually dont need to use the RGB-curves. Just pull the color output from the Attributnode to the diffuse node. Just very used to throw a mix or rgb node in there for some reason. =)