Vertex paint not showing

I am using Blender 2.78A
am trying to do a head … (this is not great okay… i’m learning)
I put some color in her cheeks and over the eyes with Vertex paint
I have the nodes set up but not showing in Render…
I’ve checked all my settings and compared them to another one I did that is
working, but can’t get this one to work
do you mind checking for me to see what I maybe missed… I went through everything
and not seeing it… whatever it is… I removed all doubles… I’ve checked the normals…



MODEL BUST.blend (1020 KB)

Add an input->attribute and set it to Col. I think that’s what your looking for?

Ok what you have done is added a new material and tried to use the vertex color attribute in it. What you want to do is to use the vertex color data in your existing skin material. Steps to do that:

  1. Select the skin material
  2. Split on of your windows and make it a ‘Node editor’
  3. hover the mouse over the node editor and hit shift spacebar to go full screen.
  4. Check ‘use nodes’
  5. Click the object button (looks like a cube) to see the objects material nodes.
  6. Add an input ‘attribute’ node and change the name to Col
  7. It will probably be easier if you just vertex paint the rest of skin skin color, although it is possible to use what you have by mixing in multiple mode.
  8. Add a color, mixrgb node and set mode to multiply.
  9. Wire up the shaders similar to below:

10* Add some lights! Add an icosphere half the size of the head above and to the right and give it an emission material strength 3-20.
Return to regular screen by hiting shift spacebar again.

Thanks Photox! I’m not good at this at all, but I knew it was an attribute node. I struggled trying to mix the shaders, rather than multiply the colors. :slight_smile:

thank you so much SkpFX and Photox for your help… I had the attribute but had the material part set up wrong… but the other head I did, it worked… but this one didn’t so don’t know why the other one I did worked… oh well…
thanks for the help… Next time, I’ll try coloring all of the head with the color and add the other colors needed… Have been trying to learn and sometimes the Node system confuses me, but am understanding some of it now… I have been using tutorials and making things and then venturing out and trying things on my own with what I learned from the videos… at times, I will sit for 4 hours or more working on things in Blender and when I get stuck, I go online and search for any videos or articles … when I get stumped and not sure where to go from there, I come and post and sure appreciate the help I’ve gotten here… everyone has been great… and would like to someday get as good as so many here are…

have a really great evening/day