Vertices Question

Explore Alex Wait

I am following the “make” a simple person tutorial and I am having trouble selecting vertices’s. What did I do wrong? It’s not moving as one “face”. I was able to do this when I first did the “practice selecting vertices” section but now I seem to be unable. :wink:

Here’s another. (see attachment)

Look at where my cursor is. Why does selecting select all three lines instead of just the one?
EDIT: Seems like my mouse didn’t show up. I put a crude circle where it WAS.


You’re selecting a Vert (look in top right of header; Ve= 1 of 114) and expecting it to select Edge(s). In Edit mode use Ctrl-Tab to change selection option to Edges or Faces.

The three edges that connect to that vert are highlighted, but you’ll notice only half the edge turns yellow.


How about this?
The two last blocks have something different with them and I can’t figure out what I did to make them look different when you apply the subsurf modifier on them.
And how do I select “just” the head in this picture? I tried going into object mode but it’s not letting me just right click the sphere I added.

Edit-> though of a better way to phrase the question. When I add a “shape” and once I’m done moving it into the right spot, how do I reselect it so I can move it in 3d space and scale it again? Because after I type a to unselect everything and make add another shape, I lose (right now it seems) the ability to reselect it. Itt seems like to me that it’s now a permanent part of my object.


You’ve added the sphere in edit mode, so it’s part of the same mesh. In future, add new meshes in object mode. To fix what you have, select a vertex from the sphere and hit ‘L’ to select all linked vertices. Now press ‘P’ and use the ‘selected’ option. Now your sphere is its own selectable object.:slight_smile: Conversely, you can join multiple objects into one by selecting all the objects and hitting ctrl+J.