Very basic question: how to angle my plane?


I don’t use Blender often and am at a loss here.

I am making a plane which is 13m x 7m and I’m splitting it in to 1m x 1m grid for it to become a UV mapped object for a media server (so it is representing a LED screen of 13 x 7 LED tiles). I’m fine with all of that, but I also want to have the last column angled in by 20 degrees. I’ve been trying to do this but vertices are becoming detached. Does this make sense? project file attached.

Basically, I’m worried that the way I’m rotating the last column, I’m messing up the dimensions. I want this thing to be accurate.

untitled.blend (883.4 KB)

13x7 angled.blend (883.6 KB)

The untitled project is the Plane as a 13x7 grid. The project file ‘13x7 angled’ is my attempt to angle the last column by 20 degrees.

The dimensions are on the global axis’s so when you rotate the last column by 20 it will shorten the x dimensions If each led tile stays at 1m by 1m.

(your file is is 13 tilesX 8 -not 7)

Yes, I just realised that I made it 8 high by mistake. Is there a way to angle the 13th column at the point where it meets the 12th column?

Select a vertex on the 12th column, then hit Shift S and choose cursor to selected.
Deselect the vertex and then select the faces of the Last column.
Set the pivot point to 3dcursor and type “R” then “Z” then “20”

It looks like you have rotated it OK in you second file.
The reason the whole object is no longer 13m on the x axis is because the last 1m tile is rotated.
IE it is still a 1x1m tile but no longer measures 1m on the global x axis.

The 12.94m is on the global x axis.


That’s amazing, thank you for your help!

I realise that obviously once I rotate the panels the overall length changes, but I was concerned that the method I was using to rotate the panels would result in a minor gap between the next column.

Your technique is perfect!

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