VHS Warrior

Hi, guys! Here is my finished character called VHS Warrior for personal project CYBERFUNK 1987 - some mix of Cyberpunk and the 80-s. Hope you like it!


Haha, this is really funny!! :joy:


Andrew be like



So that’s how the first T-800 might’ve looked!


Haha:-) Stan, you made my day!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


Cool:-) thanks, Bart!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Oh good lord… quick, sombody please stomp it under their sneaker like a bug!:grimacing:

It hurts my sense of aesthetics and good taste so badly. shrugs
Guess I’ll try to find solance in the idea there’ll be some day in the distant future, when nobody remebers the 1980ies any more.

greetings, Kologe

p.s.: I know I’ll make some enemies with this post, but I don’t care.

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:rofl: This is hilarious!!! :rofl:

… and very well done!

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Looks great. What about a female character?

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It reminds me of Billy from Stranger Things and general skins from Radical Heights.

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Thanks, guys! I’m very pleased that this work got so much attention:-)
garagefarm here you are Girl | cyberfunk 1987

Great work, congrats.

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Very awesome creation. I really like this. Now we need BetaMax girl!

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Great work,

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Cyber Leibniz :grinning:


There’s a definite People of Walmart vibe to it.

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Back in the days when “VHS” was the only way to watch a movie except on TeeVee, I knew a few people who looked like that . . . :smiley:

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