VICTORIA - Trailer for my Blender Steampunk Shortfilm

Hello everyone!

I would like to show you the trailer for my upcoming steampunk shortfilm VICTORIA. I worked on it for four years and got inspired a lot by Ian Hubert.

The final film will be around 20 minutes long and I hope to finish it before the end of the year.
Of course everything was done in Blender. Please see the trailer below and some images.

Thank you for checking it out, it means a lot to me! I hope it will be fine for you if I do a post again in a few weeks with the finished film. :slight_smile:


Wow cool! Did you made all of that on Blender including the video?

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Thank you! All the models, animations, simulations and renderings where done in Blender, mostly rendered in Eevee. The video editing was done in Adobe Premiere.


It amazed me that all of these especially the video are possible with Blender

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Alter Schwede, das ist echt beeindruckend!


Vielen dank!
The final short film will be published in a few weeks :slight_smile:


This looks amazing! I just posted it on BlenderNation:

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Awesome, thank you so much Bart!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Wow that’s great, thank you!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Great job amazing VFX compositing.

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This amazes me that it was all done in evee, do you have any tips for making realistic renders in evee?
I am super excited for the full film!

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Thank you so much!

Thank you! Maybe I can put together some tips how I achieved this look… but on my youtube channel I will upload a lot of making offs and behind the scenes in the coming weeks where you can see the breakdowns. :slight_smile:

That was a lot of work! Great Job!

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Amazing work!:fire:

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Thanks a lot! Yes it was :smiley:

Thank you!

Hey @BlindIllusionist I am really looking forward to the short film, do you have a date for when it is coming out?

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