Video as background

Hi, I am trying to add some text animation to a video in Blender 4.0. Is it possible to have a video in the background just like images as planes? Or more like, I am video editing, can I switch to Layout and have a context so that I can move a cube from point A to B in the video. Thanks.

PS: Say I am making a YouTube video and want to add some text and other simple animations to it.

Say I have this video editing environment and want to move a cube or text from point A to B say between 1- 200 or any timeframe.

You should be able to “Add Image as Plane” and then select your video. When I did it just now, my video (MP4) popped in without problem. The only changes I made here were spreading out the nodes so they could be seen, and checking Cyclic.

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Hi, thanks. I imported a wallpaper and then replaced it with a video. But it is static, won’t play.

You couldn’t import the video directly?

Can you share a screen shot of the nodes, or the file?

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Hi, I managed to replace the wallpaper with a playable video. Thanks to nodes screenshot. I didn’t set the proper frame value.

But I am still lost about how to import video directly. I used a 1080p wallpaper and mobile screen video to replace it. The video is now stretched.

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It’s this video

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Just like how you’d import an image as plane, only you select the video, instead of an image.

You also have the option to scale the plane that you’ve already got working to whatever size it’s supposed to be.

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Thanks, I got it working now. Simply drag and drop the video into Layout works.

One more question if you don’t mind. How to set the camera exactly to the video. This is what I currently have. Not sure how to perfectly align. Thanks.

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I would make the camera the same size as the video, in this case 1080 across and 1920 up. I got these numbers from the properties of the file.

And then line it up in the view port. It appears to already be straight on, so once it’s set to the proper size, moving it on the Y axis until it fits should work.

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Works like magic!!

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome :smile:

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