Video Card speeds up Blender?

Hi there,
I’ve got a question for you.
If I have a video card on my pc, will Blender be smoother and faster?
Because when I have verry much faces, blender will be verry slow…

I thought about this card:

Should this be good to help it much?

a good graphics card can make blender way smother but i dont know which ones those are. i had a gt 210 and it had way way better view port performance than the gtx 460 i have now i dont know whats up with that :frowning: maybe this thread will help me to XD

that card seems strong
I heard cycle works best with nvdia cards
So I think you should try to get one of it

any idea how much Watts these GTX4xx and GTX5xx takes
wondering if i get one will my power supply on my PC be able to handle this power

and there is the Super GPU from Intel knight chip which is supposed to be around 62 Watts and super fast
coming out soon !

it won’t have Cuda for cycles but still way faster so overall blender should perfom much better i think!


When I bought my PC, I had them put a GTX 465 in it before it even left the store, but when they did that they also had to replace the power supply from 300w to 650w. The card only needed 500w but at the time 650 was the next step up from 450.