(video games)battle o fthe p (portable)generation

Do you mean displacement mapping? I’m sure it can do bump-mapping. I’m pretty sure my old laptop can do real-time bump-mapping. I think environment mapping takes more performance than bump-mapping and the PS2 can do that too.

Hmm, you’re probably right with those numbers. Like I said, the hardware is kind of dated now. Here’s some console specs:

nope, I meant bump mapping

the graphics chip can do:
gourad + textured + fogged + antialiased + zubuffered triangles
[strips and fans]
gourad + textured + fogged + antialiased + zbuffered lines
[line and linestrip]
shaded + textured + fogged sprites
shaded + textured + points

biliniear and trilinear texture filtering and “high efficency alpha blending without speed decrease”

as I said, there is no DOT3 routine or anything, bumpmapping can be done but isn’t part of the hardware and could be unnecescarily slow [because of zbuffer testing I’d imagine, but the docs imply that may have no penalty unless the difference from the existing value is high enough]

environment mapping more demanding? … I guess it could be, it is rather vaugely defined

see, it could be a static texture [or 6 if a cube map] that is simply alpha blended [add maybe] with the other textures on the geometry. This isn’t really demanding.

then there are textures rendered in real time, then mapped in a similar manner. this can be somewhat more demanding as you are essentially rendering the whole scene at least twice. Although, the environment is usually at a lot lower level of detail [case and point, in gran turismo 4 I haven’t seen trees or people in the rear view mirror ever. probably not in car reflections either]. Besides, they don’ thave to be recalculated every frame and don’t even have to always be the highest resolution. several objects can share one and all sorts of things.

[mmm, perspective correction… time to read up]

thanks for the link regarding the specs tho. now I want a gamecube more…

Hmmm, I read in another article that the PS2 couldn’t do bump-mapping either. I wonder if there are different kinds. Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation had some sort of bump mapping (search for “bump” in this link):


I just remembered switching on the option when I had it on my laptop. But you’re right, bump mapping and some other filters seem to be the selling points of the Xbox. I still don’t like the controller, though.

Yeah, you’re right, I meant real-time dynamic env mapping. I think they may have managed something nearer it in Need for Speed Underground but you can see the strain on the PS2.

Do you mean the demo? I think it’s going to be released in the uk in October. Man, I’ve been waiting ages for it. Even if the graphics are a bit lower quality, it still looks pretty sweet with all the lighting effects. Those lightrays through the trees in GT3 were awesome not to mention the sunset. I was even squinting like I do in a real car.

I wanted a gamecube when I saw the spec too and for the price it’s superb value but then I looked at the selection of games. Most of the games are for kids (sadly Nintendo just has that association) and there’s just not enough decent games. I’d rather just buy second hand PS2 games for the £80. That could get me about 5-6 PS2 games.

I like the idea you can take the gamecube in the car, though. That probably makes it the most powerful portable games console on the planet.

xbox&microsoft :they think they are smart but they aren’t.

ps2& sony: Extremly hauty (sorry for spelling).

Nintedo and uhh… nintendo:no comment

Final thoughts: it dosn’t matter well kinda, how the game looks its the funness…ness of it as a hold
I do not know what im talking a out