Vieport Info modded

I modded the Vieport Info addon so it saves the text color settings. I was pain in butt to change the font color every time I load the scene, because font color would reset do default every time blender is restarted.
Grab it here

Usefull. Thanks

Really useful!

Thanks a lot!

I need somehelp !
When i install the addon and enable it , but i can not find it in viewport ! Could i need some steps to make it work ?
I am using blender 2.78rc

You need to enable it in the shading panel. Display the options and select what you want to draw in the viewport.

I had to open a topic for this addon and finally never do.
You did well to change this part and put it in the addon preferences.
I think it should be nice to change the “display color” code by one of the Mesh Check i recently changed. He draws the faces with BGL and avoid adding materials.