View XPort (addon): saver, locker and better quad view

You are kind. I’m really encouraged by your compliment.
I still need some time (one week or longer) to bring this beta version to final release.
During this period, update will be named “Beta 2”, “Beta 3”, or so, and published to my online shops.
If you find bugs in 2.1 Beta, please first try to find newer update from there.

BTW, today v2.1 Beta 2 was released.
Change: small UI tweaks
Fix: remove a bug about compacting saves of quadviews
Add: toggle into quad view on loading quadview save from mono view. Vice versa.


Hi! It seems that currently upon leaving the quad-view ‘User Perspective’ locks at panning (it actually changes the middle mouse action from orbit to pan - not only in side views. It works ok when you have the quad view in the beginning, but when you go into single and then back to quad it leaves panning turned on. Is it possible to leave User Perspective at orbit?
p.s. Unchecking Pan for Half Lock resolves that issue, but then I’m unable to pan side views without shift.

Thanks for your questiion, Michal,
Sidenote first, the text format user manual is under “doc” folder inside install package.
We could use the view channel ID, “view 1”, “view 2”, “view 3”, “view 4” to refer to specific subview in later discussion.

I hope make it more clear from your post.

  • Have you tried the “Smart Middle Mouse” option?
  • Do you think this option is useless, or wrong design?
  • Do you think “half lock” is obscure, and require mmb action treat 3d region and sideviews (of quadview) differently?

Ok. I get it now - I got confused when it used same hotkey in quad - it’s clear now. It’s by no means useless - Thanks UVTofu!

v2.1.0 final (2022-07-23)

Add: new “view channel” feature. Subview position is kept when toggling from quad view to mono view and back to quad view.

Add: Memorize (formerly “Views Memo”) support saving and loading quad views.

Add: new“Toggle HUD” (Ctrl LMB) feature to “Clear” button

Add: view saving and loading in quad view support sync and lock now

Better: “Smart Middle Mouse” handle subviews of quad view sepratetly now.

Better: expand memo slots from 8 to 16

Glad to know. In the meantime, I made a new smart mmb and include it in v2.1 final (2022-07-23).
Inspired by your question, it try to behave differently on different subviews in same quad view.
There is a minor limitation for it. It cannot autostart with blender, but need user manual activating it after blender startup. This is because it reads mmb keymap from blender user prefs, which is only possible after blender complete startup.
“Pan for Half Lock” option is removed, hence no confusing anymore.
You could download it from my shops and share your ideas.

just bought!,
that looks already good!
a request, can you show the display in the viewport either somewhere else or even better leave it up to the user where it is displayed,
if the blender-scenestatistics are on, this information overlaps.


The HUD position bug was fixed in v2.2.0 (2022-07-26)
Plz get it from my shops.

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super thank you, :sparkling_heart:

nice addon,
alone the saving of the views is very helpful and nice that it is then saved with the scene.

Very glad you appreciate it. And please enjoy new features in new version.

v2.2.1 (2022-07-27)
Fix: remove “Clear” unclear bug, caused by CollectionProperty.remove()

v3.0.0 (2022-08-03)
Change: addon name to “View XPort”, from “Exponent”
Add: export/import as JSON. Import options, Full (memo) and Single (slot)
Add: Copy from other scene. Options, Full (memo) and Single (slot)
Add: new “Name View” feature, edit view’s name in addon panel, display in HUD
(Comparing neglect view name difference, while compacting cares about it)
Add: new migration module for studio version
(This guarantee data migration across major versions.)
Reduce: remove and change name of quite some data structure
This is to optimise JSON import/export, and thus cause 3.0 final not compatialbe with data from 2.x and 3.0 beta.

Can the quadview have different shading modes?
Example, top, front, left view has wireframe mode. Then perpective view has textured wire mode.
It’s the way quad view works in other apps like max.

Thanks for your question, poly2.
I have completely no clue how to do this for now, so very sorry.

Already features in this addon all could treat sideview and 3d region separately,

  • “toggle quad view x”, maximize sub view no matter lock state
  • “view channel”, remember view point of subview when toggling between mono/quad view
  • “lock view rotation x”, lock side view and 3d region (persp view) separately
  • “smart middle mouse”, change behavior on locked/unlocked (view rotation) sub view


  • “memorize” (view saver) save all 4 subviews of quadview
  • “smart region overlap”, smart change sidebar overlap to opt layout for quadview

v3.1.0 (2022-08-10)
Warning: On upgrading from v3.0, to preserve saved views memo in user project file, views memo must be exported as JSON (.memo) before uninstalling v3.0. After this version installed, import back JSON file, all previous views memo would be recovered.
Remove: drop support for Blender 2.83. (Blender 2.83 retired on June 2022.)
Better: “View channel” feature works for multi windows/screens/areas use cases.
Add: new “Fallback on Source Slot” option, for Memorize > Export/Import/Copy
Fix: bug “HUD not display on second 3D viewport (other type changed to 3D_VIEW)” fixed now.
(Bug due to “WINDOW” region index changed than default 3D viewport.)
Fix: active slot index corrected after sole slot imported now
Fix: on locking, “view_distance” of 3D region be restored now

v3.2.0 (2022-08-12)
Fix: remove bug when linear slots is empty, view loading cause empty viewport.
Fix: bug that accidental clip planes appear in mono view
Better: new method “context.temp_override()” for Blender 3.2
Change: small code tweaks

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