Viewer node (Geometry Nodes) glitchy problem

Better title: Why does the Viewer node not display the values for the Instances which are assigned to the value of 0.1?

The Viewer node refuses to display the 0.1 value of the Instances, but it displays any other value just fine.
Video demonstration.
The values don’t get displayed whenever:

  • The top row (where Instances are z = 1) gets added -0.9: 1+(-0.9) = 0.1.
  • The middle row (where Instances are z = 0) gets added 0.1: 0+0.1 = 0.1.
  • The bottom row (where Instances are z = -1) gets added 1.1: 1.1+(-1) = 0.1.

Is it a possible bug?

Thank you.

Look again… its showing it as dark grey.

No… Everything you show looks correct. The viewer node only shows values between 0 and 1. Values below 0 are black, values above 1 are white.

If you would like to see other values you need to use the Map Range node too remap the values you are interested in into the 0 to 1 range.

Good luck.


Thank you.

Sorry, THIS dark dray?

That dark gray is the Viewport Shading. I can change that dark gray into any other color I want. It has nothing to do with the valuing.


i just rebuild your node tree and also see no problem with the viewer node. Which Blender version r u using? do you mind providing your little blend file, maybe you did something else than we thought?

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Thank you.

Sorry for the late reply. Here’s the file:
GN practice.blend (938.4 KB)
Here’s the full node tree, as soon as you open the file, you’re supposed to see exact same thing here with the same alleged bug, if not, then the problem’s from my end:

My version is 4.1

i tried 4.2 and 4.1 and i always saw a difference between the gray/black/white colors…maybe download the newest blender version?

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I’ll try changing the version. May I see a screenshot of what you see in my file?

gif demo gn


Problem occurs both in 4.1.1

and 4.0.0

I guess I’ll have to live with it, then.
Thank you so much for your help.

maybe…it is your graphic card? did you update the latest driver?

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Interesting :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I didn’t see it at first, but the matcap is showing through on these values, while the rest is shaded flat…


Oh My God! I’m not alone!

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Haha =D
I got range of values in [0.0022, 0.155] where it breaks.

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You’re spot on.

How the heck does it not happen with other people though?

May I ask what PC are you using? I’m using Dell with a 1050ti Graphics Card.

Hey. Thanks. Problem still persists.

Restarted PC.
Updated Dell drivers.
Updated Windows things.
Updated Intel Drivers.

NVidia GTX 1070ti. Blender version 4.1.1

Here’s the minimal conditions to reproduce the problem on the default cube in a clean file:

It only happens to Instances I think.
Notice, how it still draws the mesh over the grid while in Viewer mode.


I reported the alleged bug!

#121261 - Viewer node in GNs fails to display values within interval [0.0022,0.155] onto Instances. - blender - Blender Projects

This really is a bug. This bug was first reported here 2 years ago. You should follow that report instead of mine since the Developers closed my report.