Viewport Switches

Say I were sick of going into the men’s to change the value of a ShapeKey and wanted to instead create a lever/button/switch in the viewport that I would just click or move to change the ShapeKey value. I imagine I’ll need to use drivers. I’m almost sure it’s possible. I just need to learn how to keep the object from going outside the boundaries of the object, I think

for shape keys you can use the dopesheet / shapekey mode windows but it keyframes automatically.

yes you are right. you can define, for example, an object Z position value with the right mouse button as a driver and paste it over your shape keyvalue as driver.


Sweet. So would you know how to limit that empty to only move 1 foot on the Z axis?..… without the use of an armature?

open driver editor over your drived value with right mouse button then change average value to
scripted expression. change location name to var or whatever you like and type the expression like
in the picture.
var if var <=1 else 1

Dont forget to tick “solution” under posts when you think that… This answer ll perhaps be searched by someone else…

Okay. Sorry. I haven’t tested it out yet, but I’ll jump on it in a sec

Thanks Skuax

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