Villians - Ghostface

I used the dynamic sky again, just for a bit of atmosphere, as Ghostface needs a dark atmosphere.

Couldn’t resist doing this one, a full on ten cubes challenge. Looks like Ghostface is in for a real hard time.


I see triangle on nose Can it be considered a cuboid?

It is a cube I used, I have rotated it so that one of the edges faces forward and I also coloured one of the faces black, I then pushed it back into the face cube so that only a triangle part of the nose cube shows.
Hope this clears things up.


Ok, good 3D artwork :3

Oh yes…Wazuuup (Scary Movie Refference)

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Nice cube/triangle hack!

Thanks, it’s appreciated. :sunglasses:

Cheers. Certainly need to dream up hacks when there’s only ten cubes to play with. :grinning:

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