Vincent - Over the Hedge

Hey Folks,

I am VERY new to blender but loving it so far. I thought I would try an existing model sheet to get me warmed up and into the blender way of thinking so I went with one from Over the Hedge (Vincent, the big ass bear). I just modelled the head and i’ll probably leave it here for this and try something of my own now that I know the tools a little better :slight_smile: Was going to upload it to BlendSwap but as it’s kinda a WIP I thought they might not want it but if anyone want it…let me know.

Comments welcome too!

Meant to add this a while ago but i’ve been a bit busy…anyway for anyone that wants a gander or has a use for it (perhaps testing fur etc) here is the blend file for Vincent!


Vincent_dl.blend (1.19 MB)

Hey- that’s a cute little fellow. Thanks for sharing.

That looks really nice! Have you been into 3D before? Because that’s amazing for someone who’s new! My only critique is that if you intend to put fur on him then you’ll have to make him a bit thinner. As it is his skin is going out to where his hair would be in real life so I suggest you shrink it back a tad.

Isn’t the bear from Open Season?..

Yes it is.

Well…no, but they’re very similar…

He does look like the bear from Open Season but nope he is the bear from Over The Hedge (apparently) :stuck_out_tongue: I just found the sketch online and thought it would be fun to model.

I am still learning the whole fur thing so I will bow to your experience there Owidude. I’m guessing the sketch was him with fur…i suppose it would be a bit odd to draw a naked bear :S so he would need tweaked for that. I never really thought about that, so thanks for the info :slight_smile:

And no i’m not new to 3D (sorry thought I had specified that, I think I submitted this thread twice as I didn’t know it was moderated and other version said that :P) I used to use Lightwave but I have been out of the game for about 2 years (don’t have access to it anymore). So it is the first in a while…but I must say, Blender is a great app to use. I can’t quite get over what it does for an OS 3D program!

Thanks for the feedback guys and hopefully someone finds the model useful, probably for nothing more than messing about with it, but hey it’s all good!