I feel over the past few years many of the artists and game developers working on projects have disappeared, and no one has replaced them, users like Torakunsama, Social, Blendenzo, CA Liagari etc.
I always enjoy your projects. They’re high quality and actually end up happening
Thanks everyone. This is one of those projects that I keep leaving off and then coming back to. I run in to a problem and go away and think about it. Test solutions in other projects and then return with a idea of how to solve it.
I hope sometime soon I will havd a mainly finished game which I can pitch as a project that can be developed further.
I worked on the infantry combat last night and got a good model working.
Simple but fun. I hope.
Thanks, I’m working on infantry combat now. Things are a lot less polished than they were before the break, but I’m making faster progress in things that are actually important, like gameplay and testing.
There are a lot of things that work well in theory which don’t work out that well in practice. I’m finding out now what works and what doesn’t.
It’s already pretty fun, I’m finding out some exploits and tactics, and trying to decide which is which. Once I have a fun model I have to try and train the AI to use it well so it doesn’t get beaten too easily.
Looks like it’s really coming along great I would just say that you should keep the visibility of the infantary in mind since i think thats something that could be improved^^ But i guess thats something to work on at another point since it looks like right now you are more concerned about the basic gameplay:D keep up the great work anyways
This was the first version from last night, terrain is handled by having strata, mixing small seamless textures using a grayscale.
At first my strata were pretty much random, which gives a nice layered effect, which I might revisit. But for the second attempt I
arranged the textures so that each one is similar to the one above and below it.
Not as striking perhaps, but more subtle, and should work better with the method I’m using to generate levels.
I’m using the mathutils noise module to get the overall shape of the noise.
A really convenient thing about how Blender deals with the texture module is that even though mipmaps are turned off globally, they remain enabled on loaded or painted textures. (there is a way to toggle them, thanks to Youle)
Here’s the node setup I used, it’s something I’ve actually been using in other programs for years:
9 textures (128x128) and a mixer texture (grayscale 128x128) are used to split the grayscale at 8 even points (each 0.125 increments). The extra texture is the unpainted color, pure black or pure white.
And just for an interesting experiment, I’ve also tried calculating a normal map from the heightmap.
It’s a bit rough because it’s generated directly by code:
The problem here is that the normals are a little too strong. I can smooth them by lerping them with a z vector.
I may also try using a map which is different to the detail map, more sweeping changes maybe…
This week I’ve finally gotten around to making a development video.
I made a lot of progress recently. Spent several days just simplifying and organizing things. Now I’m ready to move on to doing the vehicle damage model.
One thought about the vehicle builder: it would be nice to have the preview tank rotate continuously rather than jumping back to zero every time you change something.
It’d be great to see terrain damage as well - perhaps if you have a spare color channel in your fog of war texture? (No idea if that’s how you’re doing the FOW, but if you are, then you have a whole 4 map-wide channels of data to play with)
Thanks for the feedback Geoff. I changed the builder to use time divided by a number and then mapped the remainder to 360 degrees.
Now it’s sure to always show the same rotation even when the menu refreshes as the tank is built.
There will be decals and terrain damage later, but I’m focusing on gameplay to begin with so I’ve got something people can try out and give feedback on. I’m tired of just showing videos, I’d like to get to the next stage.
Gameplay-wise the game looks great! It looks like every major feature for that kind of games is there. I still don’t like the slow pace though, but that’s just me. Everything is coming along nicely and it already looks completed.
If I were you, now I would start doing the visuals - FXes, sounds,explosions,particles; maps with trees, bushes, rivers, buildings, bridges…etc.
Do not count so much on the feedback. Every person likes and dislikes different things, like me saying the pace is slow.
Do it, how you feel it would be right for you.
Demo would be nice though