Vintage antique clock

Hi, the clock is made according to the game pipelane. With transfer of detailing from high-poly to low-poly.

  • Tris: 35к
  • Texture: 4 UDIM (4k)

Spasibo )))

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Wow! This is amazingly good. model, texture, and renderings.
You are a super talent.

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I knew this would be featured. Congrats!!

Could you guess… how long did it take, since day 1?

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В целом прикольно. Деревяшки вкусные. Фиолетовые плашки-буквы-цифры только схалявлено. Либо гжель с фарфором просится либо медная чеканка с напылением либо отлив из металла.

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Thank you for your appreciation!

Thank you! ))
It’s hard to count how long it took me to make the watch, as there were a lot of breaks. There was also a lot of studying that had to be done. But at least three months.

Спасибо за мнение!) Возможно, что-то не удалось, я только учусь. Делала по этому рефу

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Если по рефу, то супер получилось.

Отличная работа! Просится в интерьер.

That is one of the best models I’ve ever seen.

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Thank you so much, it’s a pleasure))

Крайне проработанный дизайн часов, аж не верится, что ты только учишься, это прекрасно! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Были б настоящие, купил бы для антуража

Hello everyone,

Presenting the “Behind the Scenes” article for this remarkable artwork!

Feel free to explore the article written by the artist herself. It takes you through the detailed process of creating the artwork and offers valuable insights into realistic prop designing in Blender, covering modelling, texturing, and lighting in-depth.

Alina Khan
Editor at Blender Nation | LinkedIn

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I love that quote! I must remind myself of that from time to time.

This piece is simply breath-taking, I love the wood textures, the sculpture work and the love you have put into it really shows. Really well presented, beautiful composition.

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Thank you for such nice words, I’m glad you appreciated my work so much. :smiling_face:

Belo trabalho. Muito visivel o cuidado que você teve com as texturas. Especialmente o sentido de direção das marcas na madeira. :clap: :clap: :clap: