Vintage Phone Scene


Hello again, I made some little changes on this scene (Older versions will also be visible in post)
First of all, want to thank FLEB for kindly making reference photo of phones dial-pad, wich I used to edit numbers and letters. Other than that no serious changes were made.
Everything was modelled and textured in Blender, used PBR textures(from as I remember) for wall and wood table.

BlackMagic Fusion 9 for post-process.

Final version variation 1:

Final version variation 2:

previous versions


Digging the phone model. Those things are all awkward curves and weird angles. I have yet to model an old Model 500 handset that doesn’t involve more frustration than progress. (And I’m pretty sure I have yet to model an old Model 500 handset to completion, for that reason.)

I did notice the numbers are a bit off. I happen to have a box of old phone parts sitting around (you’ve struck my hoarding-meets-phone-geek-meets-graphic-design nexus), so I dug up an old dial (the bag says “late '50s early '60s”, but Western Electric used the same parts for half the century and cannibalized old phones to make new ones, at that, so it’s all the same for that model’s whole lifespan). I popped in on the scanner, cleaned up the gunk, and made this for you, if you’d like it:

The rotation might be a smidge off-- I had it on the scanner a bit crooked and eyeballed lining it back up-- but it should be something you can work with.

If you want a bit more authenticity, too, Google up “Bell Telephone Dial Card” (or just the old pre-1960s Bell Telephone logo) for that center card.


Dunno … so far, it seems to me that the setting of the phones “is not quite right.” What is that – well – “that overlay” – doing there?

“In my humble,” there is a much better(!) presentation awaiting to be realized, for this collection of very fine models. Perhaps, “from Bell phone to Dictaphone” is a bit too far to reach.

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Hey !

Thanks for your time and advice.
Now when you point it out, the numbers really do seem off and your picture will truly help.
Thanks for your time and concern, will try to work on the numbers and that “Bell Telephone Dial Card”

Hey !

thanks for your comment, will try to work on overall presentation (don’t think that I’ll find a better way, cuz I’m not too good at such things).
Can you explain what do you mean in “that overlay”? cuz I didn’t quite understand what you mean by that :sweat_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Beautiful style…

i am just wondering why BlackMagic Fusion 9! why dont you use Fusion 18 since its free updates?

BlackMagic Fusion 9 trial is free, don’t know about newer versions :sweat_smile:

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Thanks Bartv ! :innocent: :v:

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That green lighting makes it feel like a scene from the Matrix.

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Great work…

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Hi everyone,

Here is the “Behind the Scenes” article for this incredible artwork!

Please do check out this article, written by the artist himself. It describes the step-by-step process of creating the artwork and provides insight into scene building in Blender.

Alina Khan
Editor at Blender Nation | LinkedIn