For this project we scanned 1.092 single objects with a Laser.
Complete textured with Substance Alcgemist. Rendered in B3D 2.81a. (Cycles)
The Gyros:
The model was scanned with laser. The white sauce isn’t mayonnaise ! It is
a mix from milk and curd (very inviscid).
The Hand:
Also scanned with laser. We gave the hand a SSS from “1.9”
The Ashtray:
We used our Environment Asset - 74 (Old Cigarettes 3):
Plus : we scanned more than 400 other cigarettes + ash particles
from cigarettes (size: 0.8mm - 4mm) - amount: around 600 very
small objects. We made a particle setup in and combined
cigarettes & ash in the ashtray.
The Greek XXL Burger:
Scanned with Laser, resolution: medium. We seperated every part
of the burger like salad, cheese, bread, onions … and gave
every seperated unit a complete 4k texture setup. Same way like
the Gyros. Here we seperated the french fries, the meat, salad
and so on…
The table and glasses:
We generated via Photoshop three different 8k scratch & streaks imperfection
maps, same way for the glasses, here we generated 2 different
8k fingerprints maps.
i-U Studios / New Zealand