Vizrt shutting down Lightwave( rumours)

Alright time to conclude.

I’ve deleted comments that serve no purpose other than to mock, needless i must say.

@anon71893420 It seems like you have a very strong dislike towards Lightwave, which is completely fine. But it also seems like you’ve got a strong dislike towards Lightwave users, this is not okay.
Can you just let other users use what they like without harassing them? How dead or alive a program is, is frankly irrelevant. A program is just a tool for an artist to do their job, what tool they use is up to them.

And just in general guys, drop the jabs, it just turns into unnecessary fights…

This is not only the case with Lightwave, but most minorities. The UPBGE community also gets a lot of hate in general, for most of the same reasons.
This is also something we’re actively trying to combat, so if you see this type picking, then please flag it, or tag us with @moderators so we can get involved before the thread escalates. Had i been made aware of this thread sooner then i’d gotten involved nearly at the start of the thread.