I made a short cinematic animation, I wanted to explore the beauty of rain. I hope you like it.
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Love the shots, you’ve certainly conveyed rainy moods! I’m curious about the walking shot- how did you animate the umbrella, and what technique did you use for ligthning?
Also, love how you chose “Prey” to be the poster for the theater
Thank you, I animated the umbrella just like it would be in a character’s hand, in the curve editor i made it so that it would go up and down a little bit so it would replicate the steps, and added noise for the rotation for added detail, I made sure to have that bounce back effect when it first appears. Lighting is just a simple hdri at low power and the lights from objects are emission and area lights. For the lightening flashes I used a sun lamp with blue color.
I wanted a poster that is subtle in colors and matches the mood, while also not looking too much like an ad, prey is one of my favorite movies and this poster matched well in the scene. If you want to see more behind the scenes videos I post a lot on my instagram @Bhawin_art , please follow if you like. Thanks for the nice comment
Hmmm, thank you so much, it really helps as I’m about to dive into object motion learning myself! And, that’s an interesting choice for the lightning- it definitely is an approach that dipped into uncanny for me, as a viewer- the lightning felt more like a literal flash of a sun- it doesn’t feel “unrealistic”, but certainly beyond natural.
And here’s yet another reminder to watch “prey”… It’s been on my watchlist for far too long.