Volume Preserving Smoothing ($)

Hi, I made new addon for smoothing meshes while trying to maintain object shape.


  • smooth mesh while maintaining main object shape
  • border mesh vertices will slide together with rest of the mesh, to get nice even distribution, or they can be frozen
  • mirror modifier aware = center vertices wont move away from symmetry line
  • ability to define sliding rail edges (marked as sharp)
  • three edge tension methods (Uniform, Proportional to edge length, Inverse to edge length)
  • optimized with NUMPY
    There are 3 algorithms - some are better in specific cases - eg.
  • Infalte smooth works ok for round convex meshes.
  • Vol smooth is often best but bit slow
  • Laplace smooth is usually ok.

Video with examples how this works soon.


Info video:

Super useful, price is also very good :slight_smile:

Just bought your smoothing addon today, it’s amazing ! Thx

What happened mate, not available for purchase?

Site is still on, so maybe try later. Sometimes Gumroad acts weird.
Had happened to me couple of times.

I’ll probably use this addon forvever.

I realised long ago, your addon doesn’t work with X Mirror under Mesh Options

It seems the normal Smooth Vertex has X Y and Z options, would it be possible to have this on your addon?

This is a bit problematic when not using a mirror modifier on a mirrored mesh with UVs and textures already set up. The one workaround I used was to mirror the selection every time but that wastes a bit of time.

Ok, I will add this to both blender versions.


Nice, thanks

I use your addon almost every time I open Blender lol

Hi there, I just bought your add-on and couldnt get it to work! I am on 2.8 (jun 25th) version and I see the item on the add-on list but cant assign shortcut or find it in the context menu!
Regards, Szabi

It it located on bottom of W-menu -> in mesh edit mode.

Found it, thanks, great tool!

For those who cannot find the W-menu (pressing W in Blender 2.8 give the Select options: Box, Circle, Select, etc), that is now rightclick. So:

  • In Edit mode select vertex, edges or faces you want to smooth.

  • Right Click. Context menu should show up. At the bottom you see: Mesh Smoothing.

  • Select: Inflate smoothing, Laplacian Smooth, or Volume Smoothing.

Hmmm … how about adding a brush mode for this?
Would this be hard to implement?

Oh, and if you even add a proper uv relax tool i’m gonna buy the addon a second time :stuck_out_tongue:

Does this add-on only work in Edit Mode or also in Object Mode and more importantly: Sculpt Mode? It’d be great to be able to mask an area in Sculpt Mode, and then use Volume Preserving Smoothing on the area.


Just bought it by the way. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks. I will look into sculpt mode support. I assume unmasked area should be smoothed. Not sure about performance on heavy meshes though.

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Somewhat of a Bug Report

For long time I’ve noticed, with the Mirror modifier, it doesn’t smooth the center verts correctly.

I can’t really say this is a bug because I don’t know if this can be helped or not, because I assume for this to be ‘fixed’ the addon would have to somehow treat the center verts as if there was no mirror.


Smoothing the center lines only increases the issue.


When it should be doing this


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