Volume Render in 2.5...

Janjy, the artifacts are caused by light cache, either increase the resolution of disable it. Both of these have serious drawbacks to render times. This is inherent in blender right now, someday to be fixed I’m sure, but for now I either ignore them or disable it. I disabled light cache once and it took 3 MONTHS to render my flythough: (dual core)


Particle systems are MASSIVELY buggy right now. That is one of the major reasons I disabled them by default in the script and convert clouds to a mesh. I really wanted to apply a cloud texture in python to the particles before I converted it to a mesh (that’s why the cloud generator has the cloud texture and the cloud force field in it although right now they aren’t used), but I couldn’t find a way to reliably advance the timeline in python and have the particles at the correct location. You can’t do it manually, try it in python:)

The devs know this, that’s why they’re working on this:


RIcky, the correct way to scale a cloud is degenerate it, scale it and gen cloud again. The script does a lot of calculation of the correct point density size etc that is very size dependent, so scaling a cloud is strictly at your own risk unless you adjust point density radius accordingly and apply scale and rotation to the cloud after scaling (cntrl-a).

I was thinking about including the tornado in the script, but it really isn’t a cloud so I didn’t want to make the script too confusing.

i think the tornado goes very well with clouds
it’s a sort of monster cloud vortex and would not require another script just for that!
and it’s already using the clouds generator so it can be integrated i think!

the Cloud size
but how do you work witht it if you already have a scene with let say a plane or jet
size to real dimensions and try to add some clouds
i mean do you have to re scale all your models objects back to fit with the size of the clouds generated with your script ?
i tough it would have been easier to do the opposite scale the clouds to fit the scene!


OK, here’s my very short fly-through. I painted out the artefacts and it’s not too noticeable now. Just a bit of flickering. Overall, I’m quite happy with it. The cloud script is lovely!


Youtube seems to have cut about a second off the end, for some reason. It’s also blown it up bigger than is ideal, but it’s enough to get the idea.

The airship’s not finished, by the way. Fairly obviously, given that it’s still completely lacking details down one side.

Thanks for the help. Hopefully I’ll get something longer done when the airship’s finished.


LOVE IT Janjy, makes it all worth it.

Yes, scale the clouds to the scene, but as geemotry not volumes, but before you generate them. Unfortunately the way volumes were integrated in to blender doesn’t lead to easy scaling once you create the clouds, don’t know what to tell you beyond that.

doing some experimentaiton with some smoke

did you see this one
just volume some simple texturex
and subdivide + some displacement

i mean it cannot be so simpler

also easy to scale to whatever size you need!

see pic


I really like it Ricky, I think you’ve got the hang of it.

volume texturing is becoming one the super texture in blender
it has almost no limit how you can use this ! pretty amazing

i saw a few days ago another application for ice
see pic

nice looking texture

added a big chunk of ice with some iceicles around

onlast pic i added another texture to give it a icy look with some transparent ice

have fun with volume texturing
happy 2.5

first pic is a stainglass in 2.49

it show the shadows on the floor function of the stainglass color
i did not use transp here only ztransp
hope it does nto matter !

now i redid this in 2.5 but adding a fog box on the scene reduce the density around 0.1

and had to add some red color for reflection to volume to begin to see any color in fog

so the questions here is
is there a way to get color from the stainglass to influence the fog color from a white spot light ?
last pic show the color red from reflection in volume
but not the wanted effect !

last pic show the wanted effect
one white spotlight which will take the colors of stainglass and produce fog with different colors!

Thanks for any help

Love the Ice Ricky, but I think it might look better if you turned up the scattering to give them more shodows. I know Farsthary did some pretty cool ice with volumes a while back on his blog, anyway looking good.

As for the shadowing I downloaded the file and played with it a while and your answer is… I don’t know. You are asking a Matt Ebb question, I know you could do it with several different spot lights, but to do what you want has to do with Blender’s internal math and unfortunately I’m not familiar with all of the different permutations of zbuffers/ray trace/multiple scattering etc… sorry, I really don’t know.

can we sent a message to mat ebb on this forum migth be able to help here !


see pic

i tried to get some dark texture inside the volume but wiht some empty voids inside

any ideas how to get more voids inside ?

or more like in second pic which looks pretty amazing ?


the image your after doesn’t look like a volume at all, just a material with alpha to it mapped to the surface. If you want to do it with a volume just use my first tutorial, you don’t even need nodes though, just apply a texture to the density like the tut, but under the colors tab turn the contrast way up. If you want you can steal the material from the light texture I posted a while back.

Does anyone know what kind of settings I could use for volumetrics to get nice looking textured surfaces like rock? I saw Farsthary made a cool doorway from textured volumetrics but I cant get the same sort of surfaces from mine. i.e. with reflection and spec etc.

I have got Integration step size right down and linear rather than random (gets rid of that noisy edge).

your right when lookings very carefully to the last pic it might be a text on the surface only!

i did experiment oer with volume and go some intersting 3D texture with voids

like next pic but needed 2 textures to do it and use substract!
but then you loose the basic shape of the object!

any trick here to keep the outside surface of the object transparent
may be 2 object one inside the other one !


I tried solids when I did trees a while back:


but that’s as good as I got.

the trees are looking nice from far away which can be usefull ounce ahd a while
as long as you don’t get too close to theses trees!

volume is such a flexible tool and we are just beginning to experiemtn with this in blender 2.5

it’s a major new texturing tool in 2.5 and will see a lot more of this!

Tanks and happy 2.5

Still trying to get that cutaway effect.

Well I manged to pinch some ideas from the trees (I forgot about that project), and got a quite solid look…

I have found that the surface of my volumetric is patchy (no cloud texture present) and I cant eliminate it. All I want is a regular surface.


You cant apply a volumetric to a curve object like text. I imagine that is because the extrude is a downstream function so the object doesn’t have a real volume to calculate.


volumetric test.blend (80.1 KB)

can you explain how the empty can make the texture disapperar inside the text?

i can imagine it moving when you move the empty but it should not have any empty space !

happy 2.5


This is an OFFICIAL volumetrics RULE:

Whenever the shadows are messed up or are blotchy TURN OFF LIGHT CACHE or increase it’s resolution.

I am bolding this so people going through this blog don’t skip over it. This is a recurring theme for volumes and I did try this and it fixes your problem. As for curves I don’t know why they wouldn’t work but it looks like you’ll have to alt-c them into a mesh and then render them.

you should may be add a new section in first post and add all the most important things there so peoples can go back and read it and learn!
