I want to create an abstract decor tiling with voronoi base. Everything looks great, however at some intersections, the texture is not working properly, the lack of bump gives a nice demonstration about that. It has to do something with the voronoi, and/or vectors? but I cannot fix it, please take a look.
Please note, the texture coordinate type and FaceForward does not make a difference, those are merely needed to create the tiles, I tried to change it up, but no luck. The problem happens basically when I plug in the second texture node and it stirs up the whole thing.
Please see the example attached. Is there any way to fix it, or it is how it is?
@LordoftheFleas Hi there, yes, alas, tried that too, various combinatioms but yes. I remade the whole thing but no luck. I fear it is a “voronoi thing”, due to mixing 2 together, and it is unfixable…
If anyone had suggestions, please kindly condact me!
Update: Changing the texture types to 2D ruins the image unfortunately. I also tried rotating the tiles. Due to the Z factor it changes the buggy effect, but only a bit, and will not eliminate it.
Should anyone have any further suggestions, please kindly help
@pixelgrip Hi there, thanks for the input. Tried it, but no luck, result is the same, just slower
I cannot fathom what the issue is It is most likely something with the vectors, as they get mixed up as soon as I add a second texture to the picture. I tried object input and cranked up randomness, even if not what I want to achieve, the different looks yield the same bug, or whatever we call it
Not sure what you want to achive.Have you tryed to seperate xyz to calc only the channels in question.maybe if you modify all vector channels at the same time that these sideeffects appearing.
@pixelgrip Thanks for the suggestion, I tried that just no, but it is still the same, no matter which channels I use, in what stage of the node-tree. Otherwise, it turns out I need all 3 channels to make the looks work.
I start to think there is no way at all to clean that up, it is simply how it is I guess, but thank you for the kind help!
I have rebuild your setup.If you want perfect corners then you have to keep the first voronoi random at 0.Otherwise the voronoi pattern and its vectors gets randomly distorded.
Hi there, thank you! I know it works like that, if I change the input type or set Randomness to 0 or even to 1 fully. The problem is, that my exact aim is to have these tiles slightly deformed, like popping out of the wall, not as exact rectangles. So the random settings are intentional, I need it like that. So, I guess there might be no solution at all But thank you!!
You could try to make object for each tile and use displacement to give each tile a slightly different rotation or deform.Keep in mind that bumpnodes dont deform the mesh,its just a light and shadow illusion.The mesh is always the same with the bump node.
Hi, thanks for the tips. I think I will leave it as it is, because I could not map the texture that well for each tiles. I want to keep it procedural. Bump is enough for me, I don’t want real displacement. Whatever this bug is, I think I will be happy with it
Hi there, to be hones I am not sure, but the intersection does not seem to be good, and I cannot work it out. Maybe not a bug, maybe it is how the vectors align, and that is it. I will add a few more pics here.
Please note, the surface pattern does not matter, I tried with, and without them, no difference. I just want bump, no real displacement. I love the tiles going a bit random, but not entirely. I want to keep all that, the texture looks great, even with colours, but as soon as I view the shader, the intersection is just ugly
That is why I guess it is something to do with the vectors, as the textures are stiring them up. If I set randomness to 0 or 1, it cannot really be seen, but having the exact settings I’m happy with, this issue is much more seemingly appears. Probably no workaround, it is how it is, but I still like the composition, I guess I am happy with that
I was just asking because in principle its correct that this shape appears, its induced by the voronoi itself. You cant keep it from being there in case of voronoi and randomness. Thats directly coupled to how voronoi works. With randomness at zero your pattern will be regular quads. These are indirectly constructed because for voronoi at the center o all your “tiles” there is a point placed. And then distances between these points are measured. At the point of equidistancy between a pair of points the lines are drawn. By increasing its randomness these points are moved to a random place. Because of the new distances between these center-point, this may lead to your quad-tiles border being no longer a quad, but eg a pentagon instead.
In your demoed case you are using a very small randomness, thats why its pretty small compared to the overall “tile”. But by increasing the voronoi randomness you can testwise see, how this small area turns into a bigger diagonal line of your tiles border. I hope you get what I mean.
The only thing you could work on is the shading being that different. I’d suggest that limiting the colors to a single channel value could help here. (RGB ->BW) aswell as reducing the noise scale to get a cleaner pattern. But the shading difference itself is because of the bump itself.
Hi, thank you, I tried that too, it won’t help unfortunately. I feared it cannot be helped at all, however, the texture looks so good, so the bump should just work better I guess.
One solution could be real displacement, cranking it up very detailed, and it would probably take care of the issue, however my PC would not like it also, I want to print it actually, so 2D is okay, I’m settled with this.
Yes to some degree that why you dislike it I think. Perhaps kick the bump at all and try shading it manually in the node tree based on its pattern, more like a cavity map.