Voronoi shattering tools by Phymec

I remember when Ton asked over mailing list for someone able to get in touch with Phymec followed by creepy silence lasting weeks or months…

Huh? On April 19th Ton asked “Who is Phymec?” and had responses immediately. He posted to the list the very next day that he’d gotten in touch with him.


anyone wanna do a little tutorial on how to use this? it looks so awesome but no documentation that i see.

i’ll make a tutorial on how i created the .blend i uploaded, but it won’t have any audio (i’m sure you don’t want to hear my nearly 2-yr old running around and screeching in the background).

This tut is from an older version but it was enough to get me where I can make stuff work

drobbins, i think that old youtube video is for a different script…
“Fracture Tools” not “Cell Fracture”(which is the one this is about), both cool, but seem to be different.

yea it’s the old tool but it showed me enough I could get the new one to work
all I really figured out that’s different is the noise slider in the voronoi dialog gives you irregular blocks
other stuff seems to work like the old tool
this page


seems to imply a particle system has some effect but I couldn’t figure out how it made any difference

of course a tut by somebody with a clue would be nice:D

I make a rigged body cube. I run the script. I see it working on/ changing the mesh in 3d view. I push p and the cube falls but is not broken. Humm? what am I doing wrong or not doing?

i actually made a tutorial today but it’s a pretty enormous file so i’ll need to change the format or go back and change the bit rate or something before i can upload it to vimeo. sorry for the delay :frowning:

to use a particle system as part of the equation, you need the object being fractured to have an emitter particle system, and i set the start and end times both to 1, so that all particles are present when i run the script. i haven’t checked whether that’s totally necessary, but i do it kind of out of habit now. nothing’s gone crazy so far doing it that way :slight_smile:

the script creates another set of meshes (the fractured cube meshes) on the next scene layer (it’s an option you can uncheck in the dialog box, but it’s enabled by default).


watch the video I posted
there’s a step in there to “setup fracture shards”

EDIT: actually, what Joel posted is enough to get it to fall apart

Right there all the time on Layer 2. thanks

Im getting “weirdness” and crashes. Only the most simple mesh and settings are ok. Just keep “tweaking” the settings? Will it work better when I get my linux Fedora 64 bit ? I get a crash every time I do the monkey with eyes fixed. No way i can make what i see on the videos.

Hi all,

You know where is possible to get phymec tools for the last blender (2.63 or 2.64 test build) ?



in the latest builds (not the official release, it’s to old) go to user prefs->addons->object and enable “cell fracture”

Daniel Kreuter’s tutorial

one question here

for the grease pencil cut line

can this cut any 3D shape

i tested with cube and UV sphere and it works fine

but on other 3D object it does not cut in 2 ?

so can this cut any 3D shapes in 2 or not ?

mind you it would be usefull as a plane cut for 3D objects ike we had in 2.49 !


doodling around with cell fracture and dynamic paint - result is procedural, adjustible surface cracking. there is some space to improve it, but i’m happy with the result

Hey Nice test! I just made one as well. The window and wood work quite well, but I screwed up the rock and glass. Not the scrips fault of course. I really hope this will still be developed further, it has too much potential to stop here IMO.

I just now have been able see the tutorial posted here. I know for sure there is something wrong here. I get crashes and weirdness. I guess it is not the build but I will get a new one. In the tut he said “very stable” . It is like Boolean is not working correct on my computer or something is wrong. I tried it on a second computer and it crashed faster. Any ideas what is? I have spent so much time on this. I can not do the same as the tutorial or I will get crash or weirdness.

wierd, no crash here. are you using latest svn builds? download latest trunk build from build bot or graphicall