Voronoi treemap in circle

Looking for a python script that can divide a circle into different parts based on a list of values. Much like a pie chart, but instead of splitting the circle in shapes all coming from the center, it would split it into a voronoi pattern.


Desired result from a list input like this [11,7,5,3,2]

Budget: $500
Payment: Paypal, Bitcoin, Revolut, Zelle


To anyone reading: I know how to do this in principle and I’ve got a big chunk of the code working, but I’m missing the connection pieces. cause I lack the Python skills and don’t have the time to dive into it. If anyone good at Python is willing to hop on a call or two we can split the reward. :slight_smile:

That is precisely the challenge itself, there is code available online already for this specific thing but its in javascript. Been trying to convert it to Python code but it’s been quite a challenge.

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