VOTING: Monthly Wallpaper Challenge - Dec 2010

You may only vote once, so choose wisely:

PS: Sorry about the huge image, i just got a tablet and i thought i might as well try it out :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice entries all, and I like the presentation Greg =P

The time given on the challenge page was very confusing. I thought it ment one hour after midnight GMT (1 am 1st of January), but it seems you meant 1pm 31st of Dec. If it is possible I would like to claim my other entry as a ‘place holder’, and upload my new entry. I have posted a similar post to this on the challenge page.

Anyway, here is my complete (sort of) model:
It is probably a bit too late though, and I don’t mind if you wish to disregard this post.

@J_the_ninja: Nice entry, what topic did you chose? The image is simple, it has balance. Very Nice :slight_smile:

It says “A window…” on the image (can’t really see it in the downscaled version here), but it was also inspired by the line “Only in their dreams can men truly be free”

Also, I forgot to post a wireframe, here you all are:

sorry ilent, I cant change the image above…

What happened to my entries?

Oh, it seems the links I posted on the other thread vanished. Oh well.

Sadly I didn’t even finish mine so I probably don’t deserve to be in the race :slight_smile:

My latest version is much improved from that version but due to sculpting at level 6 it crashes when I render. Even crashes at level 5. I wasted so much time with trying to squeeze out enough memory that I ran out of time. I have since ordered a new PC with 16GB of RAM so when I do finish it I will add it to the finished works forum.

Good luck to the rest of you, and roll on the next challenge!

P.S there were some great (and crap) snowmen entries on Blendercookie so now that one is finished those folks may have time for this :slight_smile:

Theres always next month… sorry sdfgsdfg, next time using images not links - i’ll enter your into this month’s contest (you can do another entry as well if you like, specifically for this month tho - twice the chances of winning then :slight_smile: )

oh and @goosey - you should have used normal mapping - my site has a tut or this:

@Concrete Pants: Kudos, that is an inspiring piece of work :smiley:

@J_the_Ninja: W0wzers! That is nice! Blending Internal or some other renderer?

@greg: I agree with Quandtum, good presentation. Only problem is that we can’t click on the individual wallpapers to get a closer look. Harder to vote that way.

Happy 2011 everyone!


Thanks gregzaal, I will watch your tutorial. I have seen this method before and I was going to try it but from what I have seen the normal map usually ends up like you have dropped your multires level back one or two levels - in that it is not quite as crisply detailed as the high res sculpt. I presume that has something to do with the size of image you choose to bake to, but then the size of the textures becomes an issue for memory as well.

Lux. One of the dev builds, was playing with SSS a little with the pitcher of orange juice…but this was last week when volume scattering wasn’t behaving with bidirectional path-tracing, so I could never get it to look quite right. (My avatar is from after it was fixed). The flare in the window is Lux’s glare effect + Photoshop’s lens flare stacked on top of each other, for those who were wondering. Added a bit of bloom in PS as well. Oh, and the environment map is from

if you want to see the images at full res, right click it and then click ‘view image’ (firefox, dunno about the others)