Voxel Remesher + Shader Modeling =?

Is there a way to combine the voxel remesher with the procedural properties of shaders?

My imaginary example would be a cube that could have chunks carved out of it using a noise shader, similar to a volumetric shader.

I think it’s pretty easy to imagine how powerful something like this could be. Emphasis on could haha, as an artist I am pretty unsure of the feasibility.

Curious to see what you guys think of the idea!

yes definetely In a seperate blender branch where the voxel remesh is available in the modifier stack I was able to fake a fluid simulation and the only thing I had to bake was the particle system which only took around 5 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UqX4Bd_1Jg this was the result and whats cool about this is you could take any kind of particle simulation with force fields etc and remesh it into a fluid material realtime. this should also allow me to remesh particles into smoke and fire sims but I haven’t tryed this yet

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That is amazing! I think voxels are going to be an extremely powerful feature as time goes on.

My interest is specifically using the noise features(voronoi, cells, etc) in additive/subtractive ways. Is that possible in the branch you used?

With the voxel remesh modifier, you can also do CSG operations between volumes and get the remeshed results of them. Mesh is converted to volume, CSG is done and volume is converted back, basically.
Use this build from graphicall to take advantage of the newest version of the voxel remesh modifier.

But you will need to convert your noise patterns to a mesh first, in order to use them as CSG operands.
Particles work too, and in theory even Texts and curves should work as csg operands.

For example using remesh and displace mod with a voronoi texture and making a difference operation to another cube gave that:

voxelCSG.blend (558.8 KB)

Edit: Found my test with the text operands again:

textsphere.blend (677.4 KB)


Extremely cool! I am very interested in checking this out, it may be exactly what I was hoping for.

yes, if you can convert your shader pattern(s) into mesh somehow it should work ok