Is it possible to use VR video from Youtube e.g.
as a World Background texture in Blender (the best in Eevee)?
Is it possible to use VR video from Youtube e.g.
Yes and no…
The first stage would be to rip the vid from youtube… I must admit I’ve not ripped 360 degree vids from youtube before now, but I’m going to assume it’s possible…
If you want to use this as an HDRI in eevee, then you will have to wait for eevee to allow video/image sequence textures. At the moment this is a high-priority bugfix… (this allready works in cycles)
these videos are not HDRI. they’re equarectangular (globe-shaped images) but they only have values between black and white, whereas to light something with an hdri - the HDRI has to go way beyond white. You can use it for sky but not really for lighting.
There’s also copyright issues so make sure you search youtube for footage on a creative commons licence if you plan to use the vids for anything.
Then there’s resolution issues. 4K is fine if the sky is slightly out of focus.
It is not a problem to download YouTube video (e.g. free MacX YouTube Downloader).
I don’t want to use it as HDRI map just for ‘sky’. I’d like to use it as ‘world projection’ and create camera animation.
Copyright is not issue for me. I have a project from client which has VR video on YouTube.
Good luck with it then!