VR Casino 3d - Maybe some sugestions?

Download ALPHA from Google Play 0.51023:

We are proud to announce the test version of our new game VR Casino 3d that will be available in Virtual Reality!
(For now the test build is without VR)

All models were done in Blender, we’re going to recreate charaters from scratch (these were done very fast for testing).

Alpha test contains casino games like:

  • Slots / Jackpot
  • Poker
  • BlackJack / 21
  • Bingo
  • Wheel of fortune

Do you have any suggestions about the game itselt or just models/colours/textures/style of the Casino?

Just e-mail us ; ) ! : [email protected]

I think that your depiction of a casino is very effective. Modern casinos always have darkness and attention-getting lighting designed to draw your attention to the games and to the machines – and a healthy dose of fantasy. The notion of attaching a “wheel of fortune” and other gaming devices to what seems to be a movable suspended frame is very original.

The graphics feels a little stiff and empty. Make the casino ballroom more immersive by adjusting the colour on the vibrant tone. You can create a mascot for the image of the casino. I have a link you can check for ideas. check this one - Kasinohai.