VRay > Cycle material "Preserve Energy"

I’m trying to export VRay material from 3dsMax and rebuild it in the Blender. But I’m stucked in the relationship between Diffuse,Reflection,Refraction, Fog,… defined by this option: “Preserve energy”. If we change it to Monochrome, everything works just normal. But the problem is the default functionality is set to “RGB”. (You can find it in the “Option” section of VrayMtl).My question is anyone knows how this relationship works? How we can recrerate them inside Blender?

This is the option:

This relation is complex. But basically, VRAY Refraction’s Value (V) argument of the HSV, controls Refraction amount.

Cycles can not change reflection color like Vray, default. For this reason “Preserve energy = RGB” has not any mean for Cycles.

If you want more advanced shader system like VRAY under Cycles, you can use VSHADE addon.

Thank you for your answer, I know this would be complex, but I want to create it. So any more info will be appreciated.