VW New Beetle. Yes. Again.

I know. There have probably been three and a half million models of the beetle - even i did one a few years back (was my first thread on the forum, i guess), I just want to revisit and compare how have i improved. Anyway, here is the beginning -

Looking forward to feedback.



it looks good, but on the car isn’t the head light sort of built in to the body. i’m just thinking its probably gonna be hard to model that if you don’t plan right for it.

also, it might be the camera angle, but the front bumper seems huge. could i see your reference pics?


That looks like a good and careful start.

Post some side/orthographic screenshots. Spend as much time possible getting the basic shape right. Visiting the nearest dealer showroom with your images would help a lot.


Moving from front to back. How does it look?


worked on the rear end a bit…still need to smooth a few bumps out…

looking forward to comments/crits



That’s good.

A few edges that could be tweaked around the front end to reduce the pinching.

The pole marked with a red ellipse is mostly causing the pinch.
The green lines suggest edge-loops to add.

Keep going, i’m sure this will turn out good.




fixed the topology here and there, got some interior, assigning basic materials…
still in the process of moving verts around to smoothen things out…

Updates, updates.

I think i am nearing completion with this one. Still a lot left here and there, i really want this to be perfect, so i am not going to stop until there’s not even a single flaw left. Thanks Zoyd (though i really doubt if that’s your name) for drawing attention to the edge loops, i spent a lot of time smoothening them out - all around. Hope to see more feedback. Thanks.

Looks great! I assume that you are still working on the materials…

Here is an update:

Looks like i am nearing completion on this one. The modelling is almost done (a few items like the windshield wipers and some details in the rear remain), have already been experimenting with materials. So, how does it look so far? Any comments, suggestions?

What a beautiful car! :smiley:

If you really want this to perfect, then to be completely honest, you still have quite a bit of work left ahead of you.

Did you use blueprints when modeling this?

The fenders need to be tweaked a bit. The side looks to flat in comparison to reference pictures. Around the headlight there is suppose to be a bevel. The area directly in front of the hood, that needs to be sharp crease rather than just lower. The side mirrors aren’t the right shape. where the fender meets the hood, that area needs to be touched up, I think too much of the hood is revealed when compared to pics. The front bumper looks to flat, and at the bottom that line also looks crooked. It appears that there is also a pinch between the main grill and the side grills on the front bumper.

I’ve indicated some areas to help better indicate areas I was referring to. Most can also be scene from the reference picture of the actual VW posted above.

Keep it up, look forward to see progress
Edit: Dont be afraid to use the proportional editing tool (press O in edit mode), should help avoid alot of the bumps and therefore reduce “smoothing” time. Around alot of your important curves its apparent you’ve hand placed vertices.



Thanks tdietz87 for the detailed feedback. Have worked on the front bumper a bit. Fixed the crease under the hood and got the bevel around the headlamps.

The fenders need to be tweaked a bit. The side looks to flat in comparison to reference pictures

The side of the fenders are indeed flat:yes: as you can see in this photograph here.

Anyway, got the license plate. The textures for the parking lights need work and i know that rear turn indicators are missing so are the wipers and the gas tank (which in all probability is going to be a texture). Please leave feedback/comments.


Can i call it finished now? Or is there still something that needs work?
Please comment.


Excellent work. Since your first couple of posts uptill #14 is a vast improvement. It’s not The Beetle, but it’s a Beetle and a good one at that.

Everyone has their own workflow and methods. But one suggestion is to avoid applying glossy paint materials too early in the WIP images that you post. The material simply distorts the shape further and makes it difficult to suggest improvements/corrections.

Keep up the good work and have fun :slight_smile:

Thanks Vinay. And you are right, it is not ‘THE’ Beetle as there seem to be so many variants out there that most of my reference images seemed to vary in terms of features and/or styling. But i tried to keep it as close to the 2009 model as depicted on the US VW website.

Anyway, here’s another render. Should i consider it done?

This is a great looking Beetle. I have a '74 Super Beetle sitting in my Garage. I used to have a '67. I am teaching Blender at Calhoun Community College in Alabama, USA and we are working on futuristic cars for the next F1 Challenge… some of the students are attempting their first car models. I am going to steer my students here for some encouragement. The model mesh looks clean and simple and the lighting is really nice. Keep up the good work!

pretty cool, I should try this exercise sometime reworking an old model to see what improvements I have made. This looks good a bit different from the real deal in some ways

Thanks. Here is an attempt at real world integration:

HDRI and Backplate courtesy Thomas Suurland (an amazing artist, by the way).