What do you think about this? On the lips, I have not yet worked.
It is a nice start, but with out ears, it is difficult to see if you have good proportions, keep going, and when you have them post it again and I’ll try to help you.
Choose carefully your references, that is very very important!!! Veeeerrrrryyyyy immmmpoooorrrtaaaant!!! hehe (search in google by face and by large) different lighting and different views, with out expression.
Keep it simple, just block out the forms. (and please make some proper shoulders and back)
Yeah, on any references he looks differently, it’s complicates modeling. But I will not give up! Next I will do retopology and texturing!
This is how I feel at work
Can you post snap shots of you doing retop?
I don’t doing retopology, while sculpting with dyntapoo.
I did retopo, and immediately I began to fixed some parts of the face and after add more detail. Are there any remark?
It’s getting there, each iteration looks better! Keep at it! When I was making my first sculpted bust, I started from the beginning a total of 7 times. In the end it was worth it! Good luck and keep us posted
Main question. Similar to the original?
Me need help with hair… I cannot make hair how this https://my-hit.org/storage/206169_500x800x250.jpg