W40K Evangelion (Blender + 2d art)

So, when I started learning Blender, I went back to some childhood favorites, especially W40K, modelled a few characters, some vehicles. Figured I oughta use the stuff I modelled for something, so ended up doing this video. It’s a hodgepodge of Blender and 2d stuff (drawn mostly with Clip Studio Paint) that I’ve been working on from time to time in the past year and a half or so. Never thought I’d actually finish it as it started more as a joke, but at some point I figured I’d spent too much time on it to abandon it either.

The quality is kinda all over the place as some of the models are some of the earliest Blender models I’ve done and some are quite recent (and hopefully of a touch higher quality!)

All 3d work was done in Blender. Haven’t touched Grease Pencil yet, but will definitely look into it if I end up doing something more in this vein. Would’ve been faster for many things I think.