Wacky Races Cars, #00 Mean Machine

And finally, crawling up last is the Wicked Wheeler of the Wacky Raceway, its #00, the Mean Machine. We have to watch carefully for this rascally roadster.

And with that, those arr all of the cars from the 1960s cartoon, Wacky Races all beautifully modeled and rendered. It has been fun making these models, and I learned a lot about Blender from it.


This one is great! The scratched purple material is superb! :smiley:

I didn’t realize you were realizing designs from a show (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wacky_Races_(1968_TV_series)). I don’t know how I missed this particular cartoon, as I thought I had seen all the Hanna-Barbera shows. You’ve done a really great job with all these!! :smiley:

You missed the opportunity to pronounce this as “the Wicked Wheeler of the Wacky WACEway”. (Woderick & Wupert (from Monty Python’s “the Life of Brian”) would agwee) :rofl:


I really liked your project, well done.
The final cherry on the cake would be Mattley laughing in the car…


Thank you very much. :blush:

It was quite fun learning how to do texturing painting to put in the scratches. Thought they would be a nice touch since the Mean Machine is frequently destroyed.

And I am glad that I was able to spread the word of the original cartoon. It is one of the first that I remember watching when I was young.

I am glad that you liked it. And I would like to eventually make a Mutley to go along with this model.

Maybe when I get better at character sculpting.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!