previously shift + F was fly mode, now its walk mode(I think…)
The problem i have is that I mostly use a Wacom with blender and the new walk mode freaks out and spins uncontrollably with this.
I tried looking through the key bindings but Shift+F is tied to ‘view navigation’ and in the menus under ‘View>navigation’ there is both the Fly and Walk modes but neither show sign of having this key binding…
I had to remove the binding in the preferences then add it to fly mode by right clicking on it in the menus and choosing add shortcut. This is not very uniform behaviour. I know its a new feature and probably needs more work but I don’t know if the poor behaviour of the walk mode with a wacom should be reported as a bug as it is the kinda of behaviour you get if you try to use a wacom with any FPS game ( the thing walk mode attempts to emulate i guess)
So my real question is:
Is the uncontrollable spinning in walk mode with a wacom a bug or expected behaviour?
(blender 2.7 test build)