Walk of life

So this is my new project I started on called “The walk of life”

So I have no idea where to go with this, since from the start its total improvisation, so tell me what you think should be added!

(Also, its supposed to be grey and depressing kinda)


nice cocept… can’t wait to see where this one goes :slight_smile:

animation of this could be WHOAH

Really cool! All the long shadows are nice.

Update. Yea.

So I’ve worked another… 45 mins maybe (So its not that much that’ve happened)
So I’ve continued the concept and added a little more intresting things to it.
(Also ignore the pilar that doesn’t continue all the way down, I didnt fix it for some reason)

Planning to make the road crumble behind the person. But other than that, I dont know actually.



Wanted to make the path crumble, but it looked retarded and took way too long time.


Cool. I like the Idea of a path. although I do mis all the long shadows of the pillars…

I actually thought that the shadows got real messy