Walking Animation for 1st and 3rd Person Shooter

So, as usual, I’ve run into a problem. I’ve apparently been trying over years to make a perfect animation(suitable for armed and unarmed walking). Like usual, I’ve failed. So is there any tips on how to properly animate a walking animation for the legs in BGE…

I’m not a professional animator, so I might not be qualified to answer… but what I do is find a reference like this:

And then open it up in blender as a background image. I then just match my armature frame by frame for the first step and flip the poses for the second half of the cycle.

Also practice will make you better! My first cycles were terrible, but this is one of my recent ones using the same method. I just tweaked it afterwards to make it more alien, but the basis for any walk cycle will be about the same.

So my advice is to start with the most basic walk cycle and make it look accurate. After that it’s easy to play around with it and make it unique. It also helps to think about and act out your own movements when animating.