i have finally been able to get back to blender now i have done my exams
here are some pics of a model of wall e that i am working on.(i havent even seen the film).

please comment!



btw all of the bits that should rotate or move can, apart from the tracks i cant make them spin in the way they should

Looks really nice!
Now go watch the movie :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks bking

No!!! lol you stole my idea i was going to do a Wall e model in a few weeks now i cant. Its all good though lol. lets see some textures on him :slight_smile:

thanks brados33
i working on making texures in gimp but i am not so good at unwrapping though

Well you both stole this other dudes idea, He made an awesome Wall-e model a while back. On second thought I’m sure you both stole a bunch of peoples ideas on CGsociety, but anyway, the treads need work look here. In general you need more detail. And AO. or if you have AO, add another pass.

thanks for the suggestion heres the improvement on the tire tracks


Good start!! You look more carefully on the proportions of the parts…thats what makes the Wall-e look so cute :slight_smile:

Keep it up!!

Ok, you’re probably not going to like me for saying this, but I think you should use subsurf parts for this. If you look at pictures of Wall-E you can see that even though he is a mechanical object he doesn’t have any really sharp edges. Look at around the eyes and even the fingers. Everything is minutely rounded. Most of the “mechanical-ness” comes from the textures.

Anyway, I like what you’ve got so far, I just think that the edges are too sharp and the only way that I know of to accomplish those nice rounded edges is with the subsurf modifier.

I would think bevel would give better results

evertime i try and use subsurf he ends up looking like a sausage.
bevel works much better for this model
thanks for comments btw!
heres the hands and the eyes after being beveled.
also i want to prevent the poly count from going too high so that animation render times are not really long.


ok now i have began rigging the parts, but does anyone know how i can make the tire tracks spin around
because i dont know how to

the new design is at the top of the page last pic

Please comment on the texture and the model!!!

I like the texture work you have done thus far, my crits are to pay close attention to detail the eyes and the arm cylinders are where I would advise you to spend some time. His arms are flat on one side and cylindrical elsewhere. His eyes are sink in and what he has for an iris and pupil is a camera lens. not bulging spheres. You can use subsurf on wall-e to stop the whole sausage effect you need to use edge cuts close to some of the edge so the remain sharp, the best way to see what I am talking about is to get a model of some mechanical object that is model with subsurf on.

check out the blenderart issue on rigging it has a tutorial on rigging tank treads.

the eyes need work

thanks for the comments i will get to work on the eyes when i get home from school

What you have done so far is looking good. Looks like the texture is a bit low res though… looks blurry on my screen. I’m running at 1900x1200, so I’m pretty sure it’s not a resolution issue on my end…

Here him with all the textureing done and a little work on the eyes
