this is fantastic. “irregularities” are a part of what makes claymation so unique. nothing is perfect or aligned - which makes recreating it in software more difficult. great job!
If I may give a critique (coming from a stop motion lover here) maybe consider:
giving the floor lamp more ‘antiquing’, particularly the base is showroom shiny
the floor some foot traffic wear, dust
the lamp shade some dust, or whatever makes fabric look more like fabric. it looks a bit perfect. those frilly edges going around it look great
bang up the coffee table a bit. tiny models are made with tiny tools which leave tiny marks
These are really fantastic! As a huge Aardman fan I think there’s just one tiny detail you could add, which are the trademark fingerprints on the plasticine (which they’ve even added to everything they had to create digitally).
Oh no! You forgot the crackers! Unless Wallace already ate them
I used to love this show (well, still do honestly). Glad too see such a tasteful recreation of it.