(picture above is my current WIP go to the last page to read about it)
Hello i’ve been looking for a place like this to put my currrent projects, i allways work on many different things at the same time.
feedback is very aprreciated:
Generated Procedural material for rust enhancement on any surface without the need to have UV coordinates.
test renders with the settings on the material i created: it will mostly be for asset that isnt in the foreground of the scene.
I do think its not good enough for a model that is in the main focus.
Im studying civil engineering , my father was a well a known wood engineer and is now head of the insitute for wood construction for the university of innsbruck austria.
My goal is to be able to design a building, calculate it , and know how to build it on the construction site.
Some of the positive points about constructions in wood and archtiectural visualisation:
warm colour of the wood, due to its leight density you can build some extraordinary slim buildings out of wood.
Some reference picture and concept from my father ( sorry for low res):
cantercel: site for experimental architecture france:
My father wants me to visualise a bridge that he will then present: it is using a wood shell technology:
created the base shape with rhino 5, i stilll need to do an array on the surface of it to get the wood structure. I tried many ways but couldnt get it in blender , i will ask for help at the university of innsbruck soon on how to model the shell properly, but for now i retopoed the shell exported from rhino and used a wire frame modifier.( looks awfull but it just to get an idea)
used the sea i created before ( i need to change it for this scene since it was orgininally for an ocean for an ocean.
hello, I was finally in the mood to render again and worked on the scene for the bridge, the bridge is still in an early stage , i need to ask for help at the university to create the geodesic shell, and work on the materials , just see the bridge as a place holder for now. I will also add a road to the bridge and a modelled tree to the scene.
so i finally have some time , i went to the geometry institute and asked for help to create the upper part , its made from a cylinder with geodasic lines , you could place a flat glas plane in each hole in real life because of its special gemoetric properties.
The model was made in rhino then exported to a mesh and retopologised ( was actually alot of work), and then textured.
I still have alot of work on this scene left to do.( the design of the lower bridge part is changing again)
I would apreciate some feed back on the scene and composition.