Wanda Chair Test Render

Here’s a little render excercise of the Wanda Chair from Urban Outfitters.

And this is a the refference photo from their site.

I just thought the design was just nice, simple and straightforward to model.
Its not 100% accurate. I really just wanted to see how well I can model a chair based off one image.
I have modelled other chairs for a motion design studio a few months back. It was pretty fun and I wanted to do it again.

I do notice that I could go further into the details of chair. Especially with cushion stitching.
My initial goal was to model this chair design and replicate the lighting. And not necessarily copy the environment 1 to 1. I thought it made more sense for the chair to fit in a regular room of house, than the concrete and plaster room from the photo. And I wanted to render with more warm colors.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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